The VIW project (2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364) project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Associated Partners

As a result of the exploitation activity a number of associated partners officially joined the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project impact on their target groups and to ensure the project sustainability by continuing using the project deliverables in the next years.

The associate partners of the VIW project are organizations interested in migration issues. All associated partners share the project objectives and are willing to contribute to their achievement.

Institutions and organisations interested in becoming associated partners of the VIW project can contact the national coordinators of the project.

Name Type of Institution Country
Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Sevilla Non-profit Public Corporation (public eq... Spain (ES)
CIPA (International college of psychoanalysis and anthropology) Association France (FR)
Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto NGO Slovenia (SI)
Laboratorio de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide University Spain (ES)
Zavod BOB (BOB Institute) NGO Slovenia (SI)
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Bragança Instituição Particular de Solidariedad... Portugal (PT)
International Organization for Migrations NGO Portugal (PT)
Les Roses d'Acier NGO France (FR)
Zavod Emma, Center za pomoč žrtvam nasilja (Institute Emma, Help center for victims of violence NGO Slovenia (SI)
Dynamo International France NGO France (FR)
Mieux aborder l'avenir Association France (FR)
Association Aurore NGO France (FR)
XeniosPolis NGO Greece (GR)
Association Frnaçaise des Anthropologues Association France (FR)
Laboratorio Immagine Donna Association Italy (IT)
Colegio Profesional de Educadoras y Educadores Sociales de Andalucía Association Spain (ES)
NOSOTRAS ONLUS Association Italy (IT)
Escola Secundária Gago Coutinho School Portugal (PT)
Alice Cooperativa Sociale Association Italy (IT)
Interdisciplinary Centre of Women's, Gender and Feminist Studies (CINEF) University Research Centre Spain (ES)
The Advocate of the Principle of Equality, Republic of Slovenia Equality Body Slovenia (SI)
Adoratrices Esclavas del Santísimo Sacramento y de la Caridad Association Spain (ES)
Délégation Diocésaine des Migrations (DDM) de l’Église Catholique de Nador Association Morocco (MA)
Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres NGO Portugal (PT)
Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Garcia School Portugal (PT)
Serviço Diocesano das Migrações e Minorias Étnicas Association Portugal (PT)
Humanitas – Centre for Global Learning and Cooperation NGO Slovenia (SI)
Association for Culture and Education PiNA NGO Slovenia (SI)
Progetto Arcobaleno Association Italy (IT)
Universidad de La Laguna University Spain (ES)
AntropoLogiche-Ricerche e Studi per il Sociale Association Italy (IT)
Oxfam Italia Intercultura Soc. Coop. & Gender Justice Program NGO Italy (IT)
Tri Institute (Zavod3) NGO Slovenia (SI)
Department of Public Health Policy of the University of West Attica Academic Institution Greece (GR)
Greek Forum of Refugees NGO Greece (GR)
Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (ANCE) NGO Greece (GR)
Fundación Social Universal NGO Spain (ES)
Centro Municipal de Información a la Mujer (CMIM) City council Spain (ES)
Asociación Latinoamericana Huelva para Todas y Todos Association Spain (ES)
Investigación Internacional Comparada Research Group Spain (ES)
Ayuntamiento de Montilla (Town hall). Servicios Sociales Municipales Local government Spain (ES)
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social Association Spain (ES)
Fundación Sevilla Acoge NGO Spain (ES)
Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad (MPDL) NGO Spain (ES)
Fundación Don Bosco Salesianos Social NGO Spain (ES)
Asociación de Mujeres Inmigrantes en Acción AMIA Association Spain (ES)
Name Type of Institution Country