The VIW project (2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364) project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Mapping of Case Studies

This section is dedicated to a collection of relevant initiatives at European level providing University students, policy makers and society at large with a wider awareness and comprehension of their civic and social role related to migrant women integration.
All the initiatives have been analyzed and are presented according to a geographical distribution.
The juxtaposition tables at the transnational and interdisciplinary level are presented as a product of the analysis carried out and constitute a tool to favor the analysis of other initiatives.

Juxtaposition tables at the transnational and interdisciplinary level

Title Institution Typology
From Nigeria to Italy and beyond Institutions
NGOs, Religious Bodies
University policies on access to higher education, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Language or/and culture courses
From Bulgaria to Greece Institutions
Work opportunities
Achievement is a Balance between Luck and Sacrifice Institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , University policies on access to higher education, Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses, Other
I want to see me, I want you to see me. From Puerto Rico to Spain Institutions
NGOs, Educational institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations)
The education of sons and daughters as a life project Institutions
Public Bodies, Educational institutions
Financial support, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Other
Raising awareness of schooling among women in Roma camps Institutions
Informal Communities
Psychological support, Work opportunities
When Education is not a Synonymous with Recognition for an Immigrant Woman Institutions
Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses, Other
“This could be my place in the world” From France to Spain Institutions
Work opportunities
Working and caring in Spain without family networks Institutions
Public Bodies, Educational institutions
Work opportunities, Other
From Somalia to Salvation Institutions
NGOs, Religious Bodies, Informal Communities, Other
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Political Participation, Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Language or/and culture courses
From Ukraine to Greece Institutions
Work opportunities
From the Philippines to Greece_2 Institutions
Work opportunities
Empowerment story: escaping from war in Syria and changing the world-view in Slovenia Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies
Financial support, Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Health services access and use, Language or/and culture courses, Other
From Congo to Greece Institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Other
From Ukraine to Greece_2 Institutions
Work opportunities
From Morocco to Spain for love. The importance of social and family networks Institutions
NGOs, Informal Communities
Work opportunities
Getting out of prostitution and rebuilding a socio-professional life Institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Psychological support
From Nigeria to Greece Institutions
Work opportunities
The country where I put down my roots Institutions
Educational institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Work opportunities
Building a life with organization and determination Institutions
Public Bodies, Other
Financial support, Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Work opportunities
Migration chosen by my parents - Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Psychological support, Work opportunities, Other
From invisible to visible Institutions
HEIs, Feminist Organisations, Other
University policies on access to higher education, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Political Participation, Work opportunities
Participation as Emancipation Institutions
HEIs, Other
University policies on access to higher education, Political Participation, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Other
The Importance of Education Institutions
Success in getting work opportunities, but facing health service access discrimination Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies
Financial support, Work opportunities, Other
Living with my Spanish partner and having a quiet life Institutions
Public Bodies, Other
Work opportunities, Other
High education opportunity – tool for integration and emancipation Institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses
For a better life of my son Institutions
Community Associations, Informal Communities
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses
From Kenya to Greece Institutions
Financial support, Work opportunities
Changing her destiny Institutions
NGOs, Religious Bodies
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses
A history of integration through trust in entities and authorities Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies
Financial support, Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Provision of training, Work opportunities, Other
From Ghana to Spain: better future for her children Institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Health services access and use, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Psychological support, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Language or/and culture courses
“Papers are the strength of the person, they would give me wings”. From Morocco to Spain Institutions
NGOs, Other
Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations)
Emigration as a Strategy for Reaching Personal Autonomy and Professional Fulfilment Institutions
International Organisations, Educational institutions
Financial support, Provision of training, Work opportunities, Other
Migration as a Passport to Recognising your Skills Institutions
Community Associations
Health services access and use, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Other
It is a love story, yes! Institutions
Informal Communities, Educational institutions
Work opportunities, Other
From a dark city to a city of smiles! Institutions
Informal Communities, Educational institutions
Financial support, Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Other
From Albania to Greece Institutions
Work opportunities
Overcoming the bureaucratic obstacles, poor information flow and health care issues Institutions
NGOs, Religious Bodies, Other
Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Community participation (in migrant community associations), Language or/and culture courses
New hopes Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Health services access and use, Psychological support, Work opportunities
Becoming a worldwide advocate to end human trafficking in domestic work Institutions
International Organisations, Public Bodies, Trade Unions, Political Organisations
Political Participation, Provision of training, Work opportunities
Family reunification as a means to empowerment Institutions
Public Bodies
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Other
"I am the same woman, but I know more than before." The empowerment of a Moroccan woman in Spain Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies, Other
Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Language or/and culture courses
Preparation and information lead to integration Institutions
HEIs, Educational institutions
University policies on access to higher education
Brazilian Portuguese as a Statement Institutions
University policies on access to higher education
From insecurity to community support. A story of hope and social integration Institutions
Public Bodies, Informal Communities
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Provision of training, Work opportunities, Other
From Georgia to Greece Institutions
Work opportunities
Adapting to Difficulties as a Mantra for a Personal Success Institutions
Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Other
Personal Fulfilment is a Game of Balance between one's own Traditions and the Breaking of them Institutions
Work opportunities
« I am their strenght, if I fail it’s over for them”: motherhood and domestic work Institutions
Public Bodies, Informal Communities
Financial support, Work opportunities, Other
Personal Success means having Concrete Expectations Institutions
Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses, Other
The migrant female body Institutions
HEIs, Educational institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations)
The French University a springboard to my success Institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Provision of training
Job-related opportunities, overcoming language barrier and challenges from the perspective of young migrant woman Institutions
Public Bodies
Financial support, Language or/and culture courses
From Cote d´ Ivoire to Spain: conquering freedom Institutions
NGOs, International Organisations, Religious Bodies, Community Associations, Informal Communities, Educational institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Language or/and culture courses
From Venezuela to Spain: working for a new live Institutions
NGOs, Informal Communities, Educational institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations)
From the Philippines to Greece Institutions
Work opportunities
My Life as an Alter.NATIVA Institutions
Community Associations
Work opportunities, Other
Active and inclusive life in Spain. A dream achieved. Institutions
Public Bodies, Informal Communities
Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses, Other
Help and support as integration mechanisms. Story of a Moroccan woman in Spain Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies, Other
Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations), Language or/and culture courses
A new life for a Colombian woman Institutions
Work opportunities
Deconstructing the country of Floribella Institutions
HEIs, Educational institutions
Financial support, University policies on access to higher education, Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses
Dsicovering new life Institutions
NGOs, Public Bodies
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Health services access and use, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Psychological support, Language or/and culture courses
From regular business trips to migration arrival: I want to help my children Institutions
Legal assistance (translation services in interaction with authorities) , Psychological support, Work opportunities, Other
Integration as a project Institutions
NGOs, International Organisations, Informal Communities, Educational institutions
Financial support, University policies on access to higher education, Health services access and use, Work opportunities, Language or/and culture courses
“The power of dreams, persistence and collaboration”. From Mexico to Spain Institutions
University policies on access to higher education, Other
Overcoming as a way of life. Crossing borders: Portugal, Venezuela and Spain Institutions
NGOs, Other
Health services access and use, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Work opportunities, Community participation (in migrant community associations)