Project Description
In the present global world, the number of international displacements is increasing as a consequence of "conflicts, persecutions, situations of degradation and environmental change, as a marked lack of opportunities and human security"
The VIW project aims to answer to the need of students of developing better knowledge and awareness toward the theme of woman migrations considering the interrelation of factors such as: gender, status, ethnicity, age, religion, origin, political opinion.
Target Groups
The project is addressed to:
- University Students
- Lecturers and Researchers
- Policy makers in the field of education
Expected Results
The project will therefore achieve the following results:
- A map of case studies that will address the holistic and multidimensional understanding of female migration processes, including differences and specificities related to the countries of origin, transit and destination, and all the contextual conditions that affect the migrant women's trajectories towards different outcomes as successful integration or marginal positions in the receiving society.
- An e-learning package aiming at preparing students of social sciences to deal with women migrants integration combating discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying and violence, and transversally address the needs of also those students that despite studying for professions non directly linked to migration phenomenon could be asked to face and interact with woman migrants integration issues.
- A set of policy recommendations providing practical oriented intervention proposals to policy makers involved at all level in Higher education and integration of migrants policies.