The VIW project (2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364) project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

From invisible to visible

Aveiro, Portugal

Institutions involved
HEIs, Feminist Organisations, Other
Privat organisation
Initiative Typology
University policies on access to higher education, Intercultural integration (neighborhood associations, religious bodies…) , Political Participation, Work opportunities
Problem addressed
Racism; the weight of being a woman and a black woman; wage inequality; labor conflicts
Resilience strategies addressed by women
This woman’s attitude when arriving in Portugal, as a higher education student, was based on a strategy of invisibility. She assumed that if she wasn't noticed, she wouldn't be harassed. By experiencing situations of racism and discrimination, she comes forward, assuming the importance of stepping out of invisibility, giving herself the chance to express her feelings and understandings, assuming her voice, and creating the opportunity to be other women’s voice. It was the relationship with people of reference, as she said, "I was fortunate enough to meet the right people" that gave her that impulse and that allowed a more successful integration. She learned how to denounce situations of inequality, based on the encouragement of these reference people. Her contact with human rights associations and feminists enabled her to find support mechanisms that ensure her position in the society. All of this has contributed to personal learning, to deal with her emotions, giving her the awareness to denounce situations of discrimination, racism, unequal treatment. She states that she has learned not to expect anything from people, reveling that way of living, ensures her greater and better understanding about others and about how to deal with them.
Description of the integration initiative implemented
The reasons for migrating were mainly economic and social. Under the influence of one of the women who inspires her, she realizes that with high levels of education she could make qualitative insights in her condition and because of that she challenges herself to go to study in another country. Even with economic difficulties, she realizes it could be an opportunity to improve her live. As a student, she also performs several part-time jobs to support herself economically. She attends a first degree in Sports Sciences and develops her activity as a federated volleyball practitioner. However, an injury forced her to abandon sports and also the degree. She then changes for a Marketing and Tourism degree. After completing higher education, she returns to her country to work as a tourist agent, where she begins a relationship with the man who is currently her husband. At the labor level, she goes through different moments of integration, exercising her profession in different countries, such as Spain, France, Holland and Portugal. The relationship with her husband determines her return to Portugal, where she had some work experiences. One of them was in an autarchy, where she experienced situations of labor conflict with other colleagues. This situation determines her decision to create a company. Her company develops projects in the social, gender, equality and tourism areas.
Personal story
A woman, born in Cape Verde, 38 years old, married to a Portuguese man and mother of two children, one 9 years old and another with 21 months old. She came to Portugal at the age of 19 to study in higher education. After completing the degree, she returns to Cape Verde, pursuing a Labor proposal, but, after a short period of time, migrates again to perform functions in another company, following another job invitation.
As a student, she also performed several part-time jobs to support herself economically. She attended a first degree in Sports Sciences and developed her activity as a federated volleyball athlete. However, an injury forced her to abandon sports as well as the degree. She then started a Marketing and Tourism degree in a different city. After completing higher education, she returned to her country to work as a tourist agent. There, she started a relationship with the man who is currently her husband. At the labor level, she goes through different moments of integration, exercising her profession in different countries, such as Spain, France, Holland and Portugal. In working relationships, she finds people who support her and who have become facilitators of their integration. The relationship with her husband determines her return to Portugal. One of these experiences was in an autarchy where she experienced situations of labor conflict with other colleagues, which made her choose to create her own job. Regarding her ambition and desire to change, she creates a management and networking company focused on gender equality, linked with gender issues to tourism. Nowadays, she has a good economic situation that allows her to live well. She also served as support for brothers and sisters that left Cape Verde and went to study in Portugal.
She confesses that she continues to experience situations of racism, describing, for example, a situation that involved her daughter in school and that she resolved, through a pedagogical attitude, with the school and with the family of the child who exercised verbal violence against her daughter. She felt that she had to denounce situations of inequality and disrespect for human rights, hence integrating various organizations for integration, gender, equality and non-discrimination.
Analysis of the initiative and individual story
This study requires a multidimensional analysis that crosses gender issues, ethnic, social and labor discrimination with the migratory paths and personal and social agency of the woman under study.
The choice of the country is associated with proximity of the language, although it was not the first option. It was for economic reasons that indicate the destination and to consider a Portuguese University as the best option.
Despite the economic vulnerabilities felt in the starting point of her migratory journey, she realized that improving her education could promote her social and economic status. She assumed that empowerment through education would be a way of personal emancipation and self-valorization, but also that she could be a reference for other women in the same conditions.
In this case, it is evident, in an initial phase an integration through the experience in higher education and in a part-time job, with the latter ensuring her survival in the country of destination. Some precarity job conditions take her to find more than one job in order to support her economic burdens.
Her condition as a black, African and emigrant woman constituted challenges to her integration, giving rise to forms of symbolic violence, which express, still, some collective memory of the ancestral relations of colonizer-colonized. These forms of violence, sometimes explicit or implicit, have resulted in some episodes of lack of acceptance by national citizens, racism and differentiation.
However, its multicultural roots allow her to claim the status of "citizen of the world" and empower her to deal with some situations of discrimination.
Social activism and the assumption of feminism allow her to be open to different self-vision and her role as a woman, black, African, emphasizing that in her narrative. In this sense, she set goals, not only for herself, but also for other women who have no voice, associating with activist groups and supporting other women to empower themselves and investing in their potential.
Results and Impact
The migratory trajectory of this woman is associated with a willingness to personal development and support the household living in Cape Verde. Its success results from her effort to integrate into the social sphere of the country of origin, finding mechanisms to guarantee her financial independence to attend a higher education program. She uses her skills to relate to different groups, at the university, in the workplace, or in sports associations, as a federated athlete.
Her strategy of integration has an impact on improving her living conditions and the living condition of her brothers, who have also studied outside their country and have now economically and socially stable lives.
Her integration into different countries gives her knowledge and structure to redefine her trajectory and to position herself as a black and African woman. It reorients her action, using the strategy of self-knowledge, deciding to move from an assumed invisibility to a conscious visibility. She expresses the social resonsibility of supporting other women, in identical situations, having already impacted other women's lives. She built her own company as a way of asserting himself socially and financially.