State racism and xenophobia are institutionalized in the French law, since the anti-Separatism Bill (2021). Sous le prétexte de lutter contre le « séparatisme communautaire », cette loi institue la séparation et la stigmatisation des minorités ethnoculturelles. Under the pretext of fighting "community separatism," this law institutes the separation and stigmatization of ethnocultural minorities. In november 2020, the French state dissolved the Collectif contre l’Islamophobie (CCIF).
Good practices cannot be suggested in this regard.
To support groups of immigrant women who, by taking part in civic, democratic and intellectual resistance to oppose state racism, contribute to create new narratives on “French” politics.
During 2020, 107 racist incidents were recorded. In addition, there is significant racial and gender discrimination/violence in the labor market
The 2021 National Integration Strategy has been introduced, favoring protection and prevention against all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation
Develop measures to combat stereotypes and racism and protect Human Rights
There are different forms of discrimination against migrant women, depending on their migratory experiences and conditions. However, there is a tendency to simplify, generalize and stereotype
UNAR (c/o Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers) is the National Office against Racial Discrimination, active since 2003 with the purpose of promoting the right to equal treatment of all people regardless of their origins, and fighting all forms of discrimination based on race or ethnic origin, religion, personal beliefs, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.
Besides, various associations and NGOs are fighting against racism and other forms of discrimination.
Stop dealing with immigration and migrants in terms of work, security and emergency; fight against stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination; provide more systematic legal assistance to migrant women
On certain occasions, inequalities continue to exist in the treatment of migrants
A law has been developed to regulate security and the fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance in certain spaces such as sports. Likewise, there are associations whose objective is the fight against racism and other forms of discrimination.
Mitigate integration difficulties exacerbated by stereotypes regarding certain nationalities; Provide legal support for reports of racism, xenophobia, and sexism; Build capacity to identify situations of racism, xenophobia, and sexism
There has been an increase in hostility towards migrants, increasing hate speech and anti-immigration policies.
Some measures have been developed such as the Protection Against Discrimination Act (PADA). Formally, all laws cover most forms of racial discrimination
The education of young people about discriminatory behaviour, racism, and xenophobia should be improved. Workshops especially for young people about discrimination can reduce prejudice.
Racism and xenophobia are still present in Spanish society. Migrant women face double discrimination: for being a woman and a migrant
Development of platforms to promote knowledge and analysis of reality with the aim of combating racism and xenophobia; SOM project developed to promote awareness; Training and improvement program for professionals and volunteers who work in the field
Plant intersectional and comprehensive care; create policies that consider the reality of migrant women; develop awareness and citizenship work; professional training
In all the analyzed contexts, it is observed how racist and xenophobic acts continue to exist towards the migrant population, even in some of them it is increasing (see the case of Slovenia). Although strategies are being developed to combat this reality, there are still many changes to be made. Observing the future lines of action, the importance of developing actions with all the actors involved is detected. It is not only necessary to implement measures that favor the attention of migrant women, but also to develop actions with the host societies and with the professionals who work in the matter. For this reason, the need to educate young people or the training of professionals is proposed.