The fight against racism and xenophobia occupies a prominent place in the analysis of the situation of immigrants and more specifically of immigrant women. This module proposes questioning and reflection on how these forms of violence mark the experience of being an immigrant woman. In the first chapter, concepts considered instrumental for understanding these phenomena are analysed. Some of them are racism, xenophobia, racialized people, islamophobia. The second chapter refers to the narratives associated with the social discourses on female migration. The focus of analysis develops aspects based in gender, labour segregation, educational skills, empowerment, and gender-based violence. The third chapter proposes some reflections and guidelines for a transformative socio-educational intervention, that fights racism and other forms of discrimination, and reinforces the empowerment of immigrant women in order to increase their social participation and make citizenship effective. And, finally, Chapters 4 and 5 analyse the situation of some European countries, making a comparative table.